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How to exchange bitcoin for hryvnia Alfa-Bank Ukraine
On this page there is an option for withdrawing bitcoin to a Alfa-Bank card. It allows you to exchange bitcoin in only one direction, for hryvnia. If there is a need for another currency, you need to follow the link that will allow you to transfer bitcoin to dollars.

The exchange procedure is carried out automatically without the involvement of our manager. Thus, to withdraw bitcoin it is not necessary to be in Kiev, but any other city in Ukraine is also suitable.

What is needed to exchange bitcoin for hryvnia Alfa-Bank?
  • Creation of an application directly on our website.

  • Sending cryptocurrency, after which you need to wait for 3 confirmations in the bitcoin network.

  • Receipt of hryvnia, which is credited to the Alfa-Bank card.

Below, each of the steps is discussed in more detail:

How to create an application correctly?

  • It is necessary to establish that the correct direction is set for the exchange (Bitcoin BTC → Alfa-Bank.

  • Next, you need to fill in the field with the amount, where you indicate the amount of bitcoins to exchange, or you can specify the amount of hryvnia that will be received.

  • You must indicate the number of the Alfa-Bank card that will be used for withdrawal.

  • The user must indicate information such as e-mail and phone number about himself.

  • Using the "Exchange" button, the exchange is made.

An important point is the fact that the exchange rate is fixed at the time of the creation of the application.

After sending bitcoin, you need to wait for 3 confirmations

  • Now you can make an exchange, because after that. As the application was created, the wallet number for transferring bitcoins becomes visible.

  • You need to wait for 3 confirmations, after which the transaction will be considered successful.

Receiving hryvnia to Alfa-Bank card.
After your payment has been confirmed, the system will automatically transfer the hryvnia to the Alfa-Bank  card specified in the application.

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Our contacts

ATTENTION! Dear users! Beware of scammers! Follow only the contacts listed on our website. Before transferring funds, check the wallet address with the operator in the support chat.

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